
Showing posts from December, 2018


Hi Wayre! I’m the person who is going to spend a year in your house. I’m 16 years old. Like reading and doing sport. I decided to go to Scotland because I play the bagpipes and I like to learn Ceilidh a lot of people told me that this dance is very easy to do. Onde year ago I used to play handball but now, I go to the gym every day. My parents got divorced when I was 2 years old. Since then, I’ve lived with my mum and with my brother. I’m going to come to your house for this exchange because I’d like to learn English and as I told before, to learn the culture. I’m taking the plane at this time next Monday. See you in one week, Natàlia.

1 BAT A writing and speaking assessment

Vidal, Natàlia 1st For improve my English => To improve my English When I want to put per + un verb en infinitiu           (TO + INFINITIVE) Past simple I, He,She and It WAS , exception conditionals. What I said before => As I said before (com he dit abans) 2nd - The personal use of drones should be banned? → Should the personal of drones be banned? - Drones are using → Drones are used . - It’s a good idea to ban drones? → Is it a good idea to ban drones? - A good option for take pictures → A good option to take pictures. - Pack → Pack age . - to look for some dangers. → to watch for dangers. - for exemple → for ex a mple. - one boy had disappeared → one boy has disappeared. - the police had use it for look for → the police can use it to look for. - you must to have → you must have. - a permission → a license . - anyone who has a drone know how to...


SELF-ASSESSMENT GRID                    LEVEL                         OF          UNDERSTANDING           AND                 SUCCESS   VERY   WELL (100/80%) NOT BAD (79-50%) NOT AT ALL (49-0%) SPEAKING -           Newspaper   presentation Why? I have to speak slowly, then I’ll have best pronunciation. Why? READING -           class reading tests Why? I   have to read ...